Fresher than Fresh 

Storm brand frozen sashimi grade salmon are second to none in quality. Storm sashimi salmon is processed according to Japanese government specifications and in accordance with strict U.S. HACCP guidelines. It also meets FDA requirements for freezing prior to serving. 

Processing is Strictly Monitored 

Storm salmon is farm raised in the cold, clean waters of Norway. The life cycle of each salmon is thoroughly documented, from the origin of the egg, through processing and to your door. The fish is fed 100% natural ingredients and every shipment is furnished with a certificate of sanitation/ microbiology and temperature at the time of core freezing. Our plant also has BRC certification. 

Salmon destined to be sashimi is handled on separate packing lines and stored in coolers separately from other products. Sashimi salmon is blast frozen to a core temperature of -38°F / -18°C prior to packing. This temperature is below the FDA required temperature for the blast freezing process and assures firmness and no extra water drip loss when defrosting. Laboratory testing occurs every two hours during processing. Each loin is manually processed and individually inspected before it is vacuum packed.